When we got into the airport on Christmas Eve, we walked down to claim our luggage and found not only Santa, but Mrs. Clause and an elf helper as well. (See him behind Santa grinning like a crazy elf?"
The girls were thrilled.
Then we made a potty stop, and Mrs. Clause came to join us. "Looks like Mrs. Clause has to go potty, too," I commented.
"It's a little tricky," she said, "But it works." Such a sensible gal.
Now at grandma's house Santa makes an appearance every year. But we never see him. Because we have to hide in the bedroom. For some reason someone is always missing, but they always have a good excuse. This year it was daddy and uncle Lance. They were out checking out uncle Lance's car when we heard Santa and some reindeer commotion on the roof. I don't think I have ever seen four kids' eyes get so big or four kids run so fast into the bedroom.
Santa stomped around the house and jingled his bells and ho ho'd and then he was gone. But he left plenty of presents. So many presents that we had to mail them back because there was no way we would have been able to fit them on the airplane.
Uncle Lance and daddy were so lucky. They said they heard the stomping and hid behind uncle Lance's car. Hopefully Santa didn't see them. At least that's what Grace said.
What did we do at Christmas without kids? Maybe we just sat around and drank too much egg nog. But honestly, I really don't remember.
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