So off we headed into the woods. Violet was definitely ready for her afternoon nap.
The first few hundred yards we saw two bull elk in the trees. They looked like they weren't very old. No points on their antlers, but still, it was pretty fabulous to see.
We were actually the only ones standing there watching them. That was a bit of a change from our viewing of wildlife with the crowds from the road and boardwalks. It was nice.
Yes, he carriers both of the kids. It's what he does.
It was afternoon. The weather was perfect. Not hot, not cold. Sun was shining. Air was clear.
Calla was tired and crabby.
Violet needed a nap.
But the hill was beckoning. And Grace was now ready to walk.
Thank goodness for babywearing! There was no way we could have made it without our carriers. And a big girl who walked nearly the whole way up and back.
The view was spectacular.
We sat up there for quite some time. There was an osprey nest down the trail a ways. And logs to walk on. And did I mention the view?
A couple of retired teachers joined us at the top. We visited for a bit, took each other's picture. Stood for a while longer taking in the view, and headed back down.
It was a very pleasant afternoon, to say the least. And we got back in plenty of time to make dinner and enjoy the evening at the campsite around the campfire.
The moral of the story? The view is better at the top. And the only way to the top involves a couple carriers.
Happy Babywearing!
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