Brent called the local Electric Co-op a couple days after we moved in to get our service switched, and they knew all about us. "Oh, you're the family that moved out to . . . and your wife used to be a school teacher . . . " Yup, that's us! It's good to know you know we're here.
And I'm glad I have nothing to hide.
Yesterday Grace had a fever so I kept her home from school. And like the good mom I try to be, I called the school to tell them she was home sick. The school secretary asked if she was "pukey sick, or just a fever?" I told her just a fever.
Oh, that's been about a 24 hour bug.
Good to know! Do you really keep track of all the bugs going around school?
It's always good to be able to tell a parent what they should be watching for based on what's been going around that classrrom.
What would that school be without her? What would this town be without her?
Why on earth did it take me this long to get back to my small town roots? I must have lost my mind living in urban America.
So yesterday I got a call from one of the ladies I've met from around here. She invited us to the homecoming parade. Just the fact that this town even has a homecoming parade makes me all fuzzy inside. I told her I'd come if Grace felt better.
This morning Grace did feel better, so we packed into the car and drove to town. What fun it was.
To start:
Okay, so that picture was taken after the parade went past, turned around and came back up Main Street. But still. It's cute.
We saw not just one, but FIVE football teams in the parade.
High school varsity team:
High school JV team:
Middle school team:
And the 4th and 5th graders:
This information I got from the lady standing next to me. Turns out she is the wife of the football coach. And he's a state trooper. Fabulous.
Something else I got from her, the high school got a new music director this year. And this banner was found in the back of a closet somewhere.
The banner may not have been used in about 20 years--way back when they won that state championship in '89. Those guys were in the parade, too! They were the fifth football team, if you were counting earlier.
And of course each high school class gets to make a float.
This one may have traumatized the little kids.
They were throwing teddy bear parts, since the game tonite they are playing the bears.
I remember as a freshman we won because we made a giant toilet--FLUSH THE FALCONS!! If I remember correctly, I don't think we won a single homecoming game when I was in high school. Made for a bunch of sour guys at the homecoming dance after the game on Friday night. Ah, the memories!
So then there is the homecoming royalty. And oh boy did they look thrilled!
One lady standing next to me commented that at least this year they are dressed up.
I commented that I always felt like they would slide off the hood of the car and get run over.
The cheerleaders, too.
To which another responded, "Yea. At my school we never would have been allowed to do that. We had rules!"
That is still making me giggle. Seems to sum up everything I love about small towns.
She also told me that when the FedEx guy doesn't know where to deliver a package, he stops at the electric co-op to figure out where they live.
Awesome. And if they don't know, they probably call the school and ask the school secretary.
And they could probably also find out if they've been puking or had strep in the last couple weeks.
1 comment:
Ok, do you want my very small town homecoming royalty rant?
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