For any of you who have been reading my blog this summer, it's been a little busy around here. To give you an idea, my husband sat down in his chair a couple weeks ago and said, "I'm kind of looking forward to being snowed in. This summer has been busy. And it started with moving."
He's right. But the raw truth is that over the last few months we have had more fun going and seeing and doing as a family than I think some families have over a lifetime. Not that we're not a fun family, but we have been liberated from so much stuff that has been stewing for about the last thirteen years that we had some catching up to do.
And we did it all with our girls. All three of them. Ages one year to six years.
But I was thinking this last week about everything that we did. Then I went back through my blog and found more things we did that I had forgotten about. And I realized that without baby carriers and the practice of babywearing, most of the stuff we did would have been much more difficult if not impossible.
So, in honor of
International Babywearing Week, I'll recap most of our babywearing summer.
The following program is brought to you by Babywearing. The practice of holding your baby close to you using some sort of cloth carrier. Remember, just like every other product out there, there are quality, comfortable version, and there are uncomfortable versions that make you want to run back to the camper and take a hot shower. And then you can't get out of bed in the morning without some sort of pain killer. Do your research. Find the good ones. And don't give up if you don't find a good one on the first try! It's worth finding a good one or two or half dozen.
The following program is also brought to you by an average, ordinary, everyday mom. Please note that this mom is not the most slender mom on the planet. Nor is she the most fit mom on the planet. That is important to remember because she did the great majority of her activities this summer while packing on her back a little person weighing between twenty and twenty-five pounds. This mom also has a sensitive lower back and hasn't been to the chiropractor since she moved to Idaho in April.
On with the program.
You can't go to Yellowstone, or really anywhere NEAR Yellowstone without seeing Old Faithful and the rest of that
geyser basin. You just shouldn't go to Yellowstone and not go there. It's just not right.
Note that it was raining. But I was certain that my baby was warm and comfortable. Because when they are
Close Enough to Kiss, you can keep pretty good tabs on them. And daddy's sweatshirt helps.

It was a good hike. Up and down and around.

Lower Geyser Basin brought to you by two of my favorite Geese:
Granola Goose and Earth Circles on tan.
Mammoth Hotsprings and the million and one steps to get to the top. Or was it a billion? I lost track.

There is NO WAY that experience would have happened had it not been for our carriers. Little 3-year-old legs get pretty tired going up that many steps, too.

Mammoth Hotsprings brought to you by:
Granola Goose and Earth Circles on tan Silly Goose Baby.
Mud Volcano. Pretty cool. But the coolest thing we saw on that loop up and over the hill?

Wolf tracks.
That experience brought to you by
Ball Baby and nap time.

And the hike to the
brink of the Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River. On this hike there is a 600 foot elevation change. But totally worth it. Brent had the pleasure of wearing the baby down the 600 feet.

And I wore her the rest of the way up, because she wanted to nurse.

Calla was ready for a ride up, too. And she actually fell asleep on the way.
This super amazing hike and view brought to you by:
Ball Baby and Earth Circles on tan Silly Goose and nursing in a baby carrier.
More hikes in Yellowstone--off the beaten path.
We would have missed
this view:
These tracks:

And this hike to
find pools and a warm stream off the Fire Hole Lake drive:

Those three hikes brought to you by
Ellville Zara Candy and a
Goose Pockets, nap time and nursing in a carrier.
You can
mine for garnets and sapphires with your kids while the baby naps.

And let's not forget the week at
Vacation Bible School.

And the trip to
Oregon on a plane with three kids by myself. Not for the faint of heart. But absolutely do-able with the proper tools and skills--baby carriers and babywearing!
To list in case you weren't paying attention:
1. Old Faithful in the rain and the Lower Geyser basin
2. Mammoth Hotsprings
3. Wolf Tracks at Mud Volcano
4. Brink of the Lower Falls
5. Yellowstone Lake view from the top of a hill
6. Duck lake and animal tracks on the shore
7. Fire Hole Lake Drive path
8. Mining for Garnets during nap time.
9. Vacation Bible School for a whole week
10. Airplane trip to Grandma's house
That's ten. The list is probably endless, actually. But for sure,
all of our summer activites were so much easier thanks to babywearing. Not only was the baby happy, the preschooler was happy. When they got tired, they were carried and both were comfortable enough to just go to sleep. And anyone who is a parent knows that naptime is sacred. It's essential. A good nap sets the tone for the whole next portion of the day.
I believe in babywearing. I believe all the studies showing that babies are happier, healthier, smarter, safer, etc. But even if all of that wasn't on the table, the pure and simple truth is that it makes the lives of moms and dads and entire families easier and more enjoyable and therefore it makes our world that much better. And isn't that our job as parents and grandparents? We are charged with taking these little people and molding them into happy, healthy big people. And the more happy, healthy big people we have in the world, the better our world is.
What better time to start then when they are small. Keep them close.
Close enough to kiss. It's where they want to be. It's where they belong. And it's easy, convenient and comfortable with the right tools. The right carriers. And the right information.
If you want more information about babywearing and what it can do for you and your family,
contact me or go visit
Babywearing International. There are babywearing groups popping up all over the world. There's a pretty good chance that there is one near you.
Happy Babywearing! Spread the word!