Two years ago we were happily bouncing through life supported by his mortgage business as we had been for the previous seven years or so.
About eighteen months ago the rug was pulled out from under us. We were essentially the first to be hit by this mess of an economy we live in currently.
Now we are moving. To Idaho of all places. For a job with the government that pays a salary. Leaving so many things we love, leaping into the unknown, praying it will result in stability for our family. We don't even know where we are going to live. We're just going. Call us crazy.
One of the many things I'm going to miss is my mom friends. They are awesome. I've never experienced a group like this. You think of a group of eleven women all in one place and all the stuff that women tend to do, and that is NOT our group.
Over the past few years we've had a tradition of tie-dye. I started tie-dying when I started to use cloth diapers with my now three-year-old. They were boring and white and I decided needed to fix that with tie-dye. So I tried it. I loved it and I decided to have a tie-dye party because I thought my friends would love it, too. It was crazy fun and we just kept having them.
Today was one last hurrah before I move. Sara's idea because she loves me, but mostly because she loves tie-dye. (Just kidding Sara) I love Sara.
Here's everyone getting here. Julie brought me coffee because she's a sweetie and she knows I'm a sucker for coffee. I love Julie.
Lisa doing her best National Geographic. I love Lisa.
Check this out. Ian is 14. And even he knows babywearing is cool. Beth is raising a pretty great boy there. I love Beth.
Diaper changing party. I love diapers.
Oh. Woops. Sorry. Got a little carried away with my lovin' there.
This is Ian again. Those are vintage Elton John. Actual perscription lenses in there. Bi-focals no less.
I think I probably would have worn those back in the day. They would have gone great with this outfit. Don't ya think?
Apparently a leg man.
While the girls are in the other room having a tea party or something, all the boys are watching Cars. (And Amy found someone to love her. Yes, she needs a haircut. It's on my list. I promise)
This is all of us, plus some kids. Isn't this a fabulous picture??
Cozi, who without her friendship and bookeeping skills Silly Goose would be nothing. Even if it was nothing, I would still love Cozi.
Kate, who interrupted her St. Patrick's Day festivities to come and get her picture taken because it was important. "Really, I'm dressed in drag," she said with a snicker. Apparently only men wear kilts but it's all a part of the Irish drummer get-up. I love Kate.
Christine, who without her this group would be nothing and she took a day off work to come be a part of it today. I love Christine.
Regina, who I met for the second time today and she has two more of the sweetest boys in the world and I'm totally sad I'm not going to be able to get to know her more. I love Regina.
Katie, who I met last year at that tie-dye party when we were both pregnant and then little A came way too early but is beautiful and happy and healthy. And Katie is addicted to tie-dye like I am. I love Katie.
Layne, who told me today she's going to come see me this summer. WOOT! I love Layne.
And not in the picture but I'm going to tell you about her anyway, Carol. She brought me tupperware as a going away present. She's brilliant. And she's lovely. I love Carol.
Do you know how much tie-dye a group of this size can do? Even when four of them don't bring anything to dye??
And that's not all of it. TWO people had already put theirs in the car. And they had A LOT! We're out of control. I'm telling you. But it's crazy fun!
And something happened today that has never happened at one of these before. Or rather something DIDN'T happen that has ALWAYS happened before: Nobody asked to borrow a Goose! Why??
Because they brought their OWN!!
Obviously the babies love them. Obviously the babies are used to them.
I love you my mom friends. You know how much I do. Even if you didn't love my crazy Geese idea, I'd love you. Because you are real. Keep it real. Keep it going. Keep on keepin' on. Finish well. Come visit me in Idaho. I'll tell you how fabulous it is when I get there.
Hey, check my blog, I posted that you are coming...
We are thinking and praying for you. I hope this move brings stability to your family and you will find a very special group of friends in Idaho (hi Kimber!)
All the best with the move
Best wishes on your move. I hope you'll be blessed with new friends as special as the ones you are leaving. (aka Cinda of tentoes)
Hey! So happy for you that your husband got such a great job. That was a really lovely post, I enjoyed reading it. Those baby pics at the end were really cute and sweet.
Renee 20pound_peanut TBW
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