The fairy spells are cute. One is a spell for good luck. You need a handful of uncooked rice, ten tiny pebels, a handful of dirt, an acorn, a feather and a bright green leaf. You mix all the ingredients in a jar with a fork, dig a little hole and pour the contents into the hole while whispering:
Shooting stars and magic wands
Wishing wells and fairy dust
Fairies big and fairies small
bring me magic fairy luck!
The other spell is titled "A spell to stay best friends forever and ever." That one made me smile and it made me think. Grace is so into her friends and she's had three in particular so far for most of her life. She got excited when I asked her if she wanted to do this with her little friends. I decided I needed to make it happen.
W came over today for a while, so I figured it was a pretty good time to do it. We all piled in the car and went to get the ingredients (flowers and a magic wand). We were quite a site all four of us trapsing around the store.
The first thing they needed for a spell like this is rain water. You'd think around here that would be easy to find, but not today. Daddy had taken EVERYTHING that normally holds water, packed it in the horse trailer and taken it to Montana with the horse. So I settled for a piece of plastic I found with some puddles in it on the far end of the lawn. I tried not to get dead bugs and the worms in the jar.
Then they made a circle of green leaves outside. They ran back and forth picking leaves off the bushes and piling them up. I helped them make it into a circle.
Next they need rose petals. Technically they need four roses, two for each friend, but I only did one rose for each friend because I wanted to send the other one home with her friend. I hope that didn't ruin the spell.
They picked all the rose petals off and stuck them in the jar.
Then they cut green grass with silver colored scissors and stick it in the jar. And add a handful of daisy heads.
After all the ingredients are in the jar, they put the lid on it and took turns shaking.
I think this is an important part. They used their wand and tap the jar lid three times saying, "Fairy friends never end."
But this is the most important part, I think.
These two have been fast friends since the moment they met. I remember it clearly. My shy little girl suddenly finding her best friend. This is them almost three years ago shortly after they met that first time. (No, Grace hadn't wet her pants. She was jumping in puddles.)
They're growing into such beautiful little girls. I love this picture. We'll miss you W.
While we were at the store, E's mom called and said they were going to have to go out of town this weekend and wouldn't be back until after we were on our way to Idaho. Could they come by today and say good bye? These two have gone to preschool together and been in the same class since for three years now. They were our neighbors and we carpooled until we moved to town in November.
E was pretty excited.
Add petals.
E had a little trouble with the petals, and it was starting to rain a little.
Fairy Friends Never End.
They are such fast friends that the preschool teacher actually had their pictures taken together on picture day. Darned if I could find the thing. It's packed up somewhere. So this will have to do. They've still grown a ton. Grace is in the back in purple. E is in green on the left by the teacher.
E, we're going to miss you and your little giggly self.
Fairy Friends Never End. Fairy Friends Never End.
Ah've got me all teary. What a wonderful way to say good-bye. Or hopefully 'see you soon'!
Oh this is so sweet! It needs a disclaimer though ...Do not read while under the influence of pregnancy hormones!!!
That was so sweet!
Heidi, it's a good thing I didn't read this last week--wouldn't have been able to take it! Absolutely beautiful! W's mom misses you so very much and yet am so glad you're in Montana with your family to love on all of you! Can you send me these fairy pics when you get a chance? Or, do you know if I can pull them off of here? Loves to all of you!
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