We managed to get up and geared up and out the door in time to catch the majority of the dogs going by our house.
We brought hot chocolate. In a mason jar. Because that just works.
Proof that I was there. And Carsten--warm and asleep in the pocket of my Amauti. I love that thing.
The weather this weekend was actually perfect. It wasn't too cold, but not too warm. There wasn't any wind or driving snow. And it was overcast so the dogs didn't overheat. And from what I understand, the snow was fast.
I think the mushers like having spectators along the route. The majority of them waved. Many of them even said thanks for coming out. Lots of little short conversations as they went by. "Thank you Dog Sled fans!" one of them said. It made me happy.
This next picture makes me giggle. There is a pass going on there in the middle. A husband passing his wife. Brent told her to catch him and she responded that she couldn't pass him, he's her husband and he's faster than she is.
When the last musher headed on over the hill, we hooked up and headed back so we could get all pottied up and head to town for the rest of the fun.
My mom made us that nifty sled harness. It's so handy. And it'll hook to just about any sled. A little twisted here, but just as awesome twisted.
Here's the rest of the fun. Grace and Calla wanted to do the mutt race this year. And they got the fun dog.
The majority of the dogs are thrilled to be out and pulling a sled with kids on it. But this one just seems so darn doggy happy about it. And he goes fast, but not too fast. All by himself. (Some of the dogs are ones the mushers bring over from their teams. That's pretty fun and I love that they do that.)
Now, the mutt race isn't really a race at all. All the kids who participate get a button, but there aren't any winners or losers. It's just a bunch of dogs and kids and sleds and fun.
And then there is this:
I'll let you come to your own conclusions on that one.
This cracks me up. The girls HAVE to play on this big pile of snow. I don't really know why.
It was one of the two major things they remembered from last year. The big snow pile and the flags. There weren't any flags this year, but there was a big snow pile.
I don't understand the big snow pile fixation. Frankly, we have more amazing piles of snow at our HOUSE. Like this one that they use to climb on the shop roof.
But the dog derby is so awesome. Great small town fun that certainly didn't happen where we moved from.
Winter is fun. Snow is fun. I keep hearing talk from people looking so forward to spring already. Well, it's only FEBRUARY and we have a few months of winter left. And I'm gonna go out and take advantage as much as I can because it's awesome. On Monday (President's Day) we're going to head up the road and see how far we can get snow shoeing and maybe give that big ole sledding hill a try. It'll be great!
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