But, it's also stressful because I'm always on a budget and with a baby coming any day, I'm feeling some pressure to make a decisions.
Plus, what if I buy from one of those places that takes your money and sends you a piece of crap or nothing at all???
I did eventually buy this one online. And from a place recommended by a couple of friends who are much more into the whole photography thing than I am. You know the folks who aren't "professional" but have those big fancy cameras with a bunch of bells and whistles and they at least seem to know what they are doing.
Me, I'm a point and shoot girl. And this time my camera is pink. So, I give you here a few of the very first pictures taken with my new camera--which by the way is also "refurbished" which means that I saved some bucks there, too.
And her sisters would have been included in this post if they had been in the house. Not outside doing manual labor by order of their father after a little lying episode last night. Hauling wood might just do them in in the whole lying department. Hauling wood in the heat of the day no less. It's times like this that I think that wood heat is the way to go. But I digress.
In short, I am liking my camera--even though I've only taken five pictures with it. My little Canon PowerShot A1100IS is just what I think I need. And bonus that it was a deal AND pink.
Probably means we're having a boy. And maybe this also means I'll never need a new camera again.
It's a good theory.
It's a good theory.
Heidi, I'm glad to be a follower of your new blog. I enjoyed your old one and I like this one, too. I like your style of writing--sincere yet humorous. I like following along with what's happening in your life.
I am very relieved that you are not moving, just moving your blog. Even I do not want to go through another move with you!
Blessings to you and your family,
Carol Krajcar
Thanks Carol! You certainly don't want to go through a move with me at nin months pregnant!
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