But the daddy of the house played baseball growing up, and since I love that daddy, I am of course going to support his crazy ideas. After all, he supports my crazy ideas and it should go both ways.
So when t-ball was brought up, I said, "Sure, but it's your thing!" But due to the nature of loving my children, I've been there every time with two other kiddos in tow. And it's kind of fun.
Yesterday was her first game. Daddy couldn't be there because he ended up on a business trip. But mommy was there and she took lots of pictures.
Highlights of the game:
Hitting the second pitch her first time up. (The coach pitches to each player three times and then they get a tee if they didn't hit a pitch.)

Missing it off the tee a handful of times her second time up only to swing around and hit it with her back-swing. They told her to run, so she ran--in the right direction.

Outfield--fun times.

Coming in for the score--she did this twice and actually remembered to touch home plate the second time.

T-ball is fun!

Yeah. T-ball is fun. It's probably good for her, too.
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