When daddy got home Calla was so excited. "Dad! Look what that boy taught us!"
Honestly, I don't think it EVER occurred to my girls to go down the stairs like that.
Because they are girls. Currently they are obsessed with drawing and coloring. Calla is teaching herself how to write the alphabet, which I find phenomenal.
Grace is practicing, too.
But you get a boy over here, and suddenly they are sliding down the stairs head first on their front sides.
I'd better hide the sleeping bags next time a boy comes over. I've heard those are popular items on stairs.
Oh, in fact I think at our first house in Washington there was a hole in my wall where a boy's head went through it when he was sliding down the stairs head first in a sleeping bag. Actually, I know there was a hole in the wall because of that. But Brent fixed it.
True story. And if anyone ever tells you that boys and girls are not different, tell them they need to go to preschool for a day and do a little observation of the two different genders.
From this house of boys we weekly slide down the stairs in sleeping bags, blankets, etc. We also jump off the stairs onto the little trampoline. Would you like more ideas:)
Thanks Amber! Maybe I'll send my girls over . . .
Yeah, boys are much different huh? When we put the crib down after Madison went into a real bed, Erik hit the stairs with the mattress, then proceeded to take the kids down with him. Great pictures! Connor's best comment is "It seemed like a good idea at the time!" :-)
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