It's funny to see myself in print. It's funny to try to capture a person in nine short paragraphs. I read it and thought to myself, "Wow. I'm that crunchy?"
I do love the picture that accompanies the bio.

Below is the actual bio and my comments. It cracks me up, really.
Though she might not see it, Heidi Donnelly is a hard-core babywearin' mama with a penchant for creating.
Hard-core? That's pretty, well, hard core. What makes one hard-core anyway? The fact that I think EVERYONE should wear their baby? Well, maybe I am then.
And what's a penchant? And why am I creating one?
The mom of three is the third generation born in St. Ignatius, Montana. Raised on a dairy farm, Heidi to this day will make her own butter if she's out. That butter usually gets slathered on a warm slice of homemade sourdough bread, baked with her own homemade starter.
I know how to make butter. Yes. And if I don't have any, yes, I'll make it. Because butter is very important. The sourdough thing I think I did mostly because I found it fascinating and wanted to see if I was up to the challenge. I have a loaf raising right now, actually. It's yummy. I make my own yogurt, too. In my crock pot. Usually I find the time somewhere between washing diapers and getting everyone I meet hooked on tie-dying.
Heidi doesn't watch TV or listen to the radio. "I live on an island," she said. Heidi's not anti-media, she just hasn't gotten around to getting cable or a newspaper subscription. But she stays so busy, it's hard to blame her.
Television makes me crazy with its shallowness and garbage. I don't have a good radio to listen to. If I did have a good radio to listen to, my kids would take it over and demand they listen to their stuff. When we move again, I would like the newspaper to come to my island. Hopefully I'll find time to read it and know what in the world is crashing down around me. But we'll see if I get past the front page. Maybe I'll just end up staying on my island. It is a rather happy place.
Her love of babywearing hatched into a homegrown business, Silly Goose Baby, LLC. She sells her adjustable-bottom mei-tai style carriers on the company's web site, and dispenses her uniquely Heidi opinions on her blog.
Hatched. That's clever. Opinions? I have opinions?? Who said I have opinions? I do think my adjustable-bottom mei tai design is the bomb (and I'm feeling rather brilliant regarding the pockets coming out this fall). In fact, I have a baby in one right now. And she's asleep. And I'm sitting here comfortably banging out this post before I go check my bread and then get to sweing. Does that make it fact?
Since discovering babywearing at a Le Leche League meeting five-ish years ago, she's been attached.
Attached. That's clever, too. Attachment parenting by accident. That's what I should call it. Attachment parenting that happens when you are not looking and soon realizing that it's easy and feels right and makes life easier and babies happier. And 3-year-olds happier. And even 5-year-olds happier. And a babywearing daddy's happier because mom and the kids are happy because of babywearing and because he can make his kids happy by babywearing and his wife thinks babywearing makes him even more handsome (to which he would say, "That's possible?").
Do you see why I think everyone should wear their kids?
"I saw a Maya Wrap ring sling and I was fascinated," she said. "But I'm nearly a complete ring-sling failure."
It wasn't the Maya Wrap that caused the problem. They make fabulous ring slings. It was the person trying to run the thing. (That would be me, if you were wondering.)
Then Heidi discovered the mei-tai style wrap, "and I didn't look back. I don't even own a stroller!"
Is it dumb that I haven't even used a stroller in over three years? Three kids and no stroller. I must be crazy. I sold them at a yard sale and used the money to buy a baby carrier. I really did.
Maybe my kids are scarred from all that walking. But heck, the older two walked before they were 10 months old so I figured they LIKE walking.
She babywears with wraps, mei-tais, a Scootababy and ring slings. Some women have closets full of shoes. Leave it to Heidi to have a closet full of luxurious wraps and carriers.
The Scootababy I decided is my ring sling. Easy and fast hip carry that I can get right every time. I feel a little embarassed that I can use wraps quite confidently, but I can't figure out how to use a ring sling consistently.
A closet full? There's a vacuum and coats in the closet, too. And mittens and scarves and gloves in many, many sizes. And a dog leash.
I kind of wish I did have a closet full of shoes. I think my next pair of shoes might be pink Converse All-Stars. I saw a pair the other day and decided those might be fun. And maybe I'll get all the girls a pair, too. Wouldn't that be great?
Heidi and her husband, Brent, were married nearly 13 years ago after meeting at Pacific Lutheran University in Washington state. They and their daughters, ages 6, 3 and 1, recently moved to Idaho from southwest Washington. Both of them find it amusing that they're the parents to three girls, since they each have three brothers and two brothers, respectively.
And we wouldn't have it any other way.
On a side note, I'm gearing up to move and some of my daily "fluff" will have to be put on hold for a bit. Blogging is one of them. So, my blogging will be much less consistant between now and when I'm feeling settled.
Happy Babywearing!
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