Mud Volcano:
Literally, it's mud bubbling out of the ground. Pretty neato.
Dragons Coldron:
It sounds like a dragon--a bubbling echoing sound and it steams and waves come out of it.
On the boardwalk I looked down and saw something interesting.
Seems a wolf stepped in some mud and headed up the board walk. After a bit he (or she) turned back around and then headed off the walk and up the hill into the forest.
They are big!
Is it dumb that I got more excited about wolf tracks than I did about the mud volcano? But ultimately, they are both pretty phenomenal.
This is what Grace thinks of this particular pool.
And obviously Violet was tired, as was Calla.
But we all know that babywearing and Yellowstone make for a great trip! Violet got her nap. (I can't for the life of me get her to keep a hat on, but she's saturated with sunblock, for those of you wondering.) Calla's little legs got a little rest. And mama is quite happy and comfortable!
Totally worth the stop there. And then we headed north to the canyon area. The Yellowstone River comes out of Yellowstone Lake and heads towards the canyon and a series of spectacular waterfalls. When we got out of the car, we could hear it roaring.
And this is the first glimpse of it. From really far away, it is still spectacular.
This is the lower falls and one can hike down the trail to the brink of the falls. It's a 600 foot drop from the top of the trail to the brink. We were up for it, as were the kids. The kids were totally excited!
And check out who we met on the way down. A babywearing dad!
Being the dork I am, I asked if I could take his picture. His little girl is 2 months old. He thinks babywearing is the way to go! Yay for babywearing daddies!
Disclaimer: The following pictures do the experience at the brink of the falls absolutely NO justice. It doesn't matter how nice your camera is or isn't, it's just one of those things that must be experienced in person.
But for the sake of blogging it:
For the record, we hiked down from where this picture was taken to here:

See those little pepole there on that slab at the point of the arrow? That's the brink.
A family shot taken by a photographer cowboy.
This guy's shirt seems totally appropriate. He was at one of the viewpoints towards the bottom.
Violet's "I want to nurse!" face.
No problem, Violet!
And Calla. She conked out about halfway up.
Babywearing saves the day, AGAIN!! Yay!
I love that you're blogging Yellowstone. More people should blog the National Parks the way you're doing it. I bet it would encourage more people to go visit them...
I can't *wait* to go to Yellowstone!
YAY Babywearing!!
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